Hi! I’m Jessica and this is my site, The Coding Creative. I am currently studying Graphic Information Technology at Arizona State University and will graduate in 2019 with my undergraduate degree and in 2020 with my master’s. My focus in the program is web design and I hope to expand my knowledge of software development and design during my time here. Before joining the Graphic Information Technology Program I was working towards a software engineering degree with a focus in web and mobile applications.
As part of this blog I plan to share brief tutorials for other students just starting out in a similar program (or looking to teach themselves), as well as articles and information that I have found helpful in the course of my studies.
Deciding to write code means that you will always be learning new things. The languages change, the features that are a part of each language change, and as students we must constantly continue learning. I have found that the more I learn, the more I realize I want to know (and need to know). As a person that took a long break between starting their college education and coming back to finish it, I have found some things that are very helpful when you want to succeed as a non-traditional student. I hope that sharing what helps me will help others, and if there is something that you would like more information about, please leave a comment and let me know! I plan to keep tutorials simple and to the point so that you don’t have to spend time trying to understand what I’m even trying to teach in the first place.
Thank you for stopping by!